API routes (Click a route to expand it, click here to expand/collapse all)
Default APIs
Provides the API-specification. Only enabled if API exposure is enabled.
Parameter Location Type Requirements Optional Default value Description
format URI-Query string
enum: [ "KateAPI", "InternalAPIMap", "OpenAPI", "Swagger" ]
Yes "KateAPI" Documentation format. We support KateAPI documentation, Swagger/OpenAPI documentation and raw output of the internal API-map cache.
openApiVersion URI-Query int
enum: [ 2, 3 ]
Yes 2 Version 3 is crappy with request bodies, so we prefer version 2 (which only sucks regarding Response definitions; hence we prefer KateAPI documentation).
Response HTTP Type Description
Success 200 object The API-documentation.
MissingRequiredParameterException 400 The request is missing a required input parameter. See details for involved parameter.
InvalidParameterException 400 The request has an invalid argument. See details for involved parameter and invalidation.
AuthenticationFailedException 401 Authentication failed. Re-authenticate and retry. See error details for details.
UnauthorizedException 403 Authorization for requested method rejected. See error details for details.
Authentication required:
POST/mgmt/plugin/clear/translations Authentication required
Clears the Translations-plugin cache. Should only be invoked against services that utilize this plugin.
Parameter Location Type Requirements Optional Default value Description
rfc5646languageTag POST-body string
format: [A-Za-z0-9-]+
Yes null Language to clear the translations for, for example "en", "en-US" or "en-US-x-cw". If not provided, clears the translations for all languages
rootNamespace POST-body string
enum: [ "ui", "mail", "err", "red", "wf", "mgmt" ]
Yes null Root Namespace to clear specific cached translations, for example "ui" "red". If not provided, clears the root namespace for all translations.
Response HTTP Type Description
Success 200 bool Returns true.
MissingRequiredParameterException 400 The request is missing a required input parameter. See details for involved parameter.
InvalidParameterException 400 The request has an invalid argument. See details for involved parameter and invalidation.
AuthenticationFailedException 401 Authentication failed. Re-authenticate and retry. See error details for details.
UnauthorizedException 403 Authorization for requested method rejected. See error details for details.
Authentication required:
Authentication scheme:
Required flags:
Taxapay integration API
Returns the Base64-encoded JWT Bearer Grant Public Key that must be used to authenticate JWT Bearer client credential.
Response HTTP Type Description
Success 200 string Base64-encoded EdDSA public-key.
MissingRequiredParameterException 400 The request is missing a required input parameter. See details for involved parameter.
InvalidParameterException 400 The request has an invalid argument. See details for involved parameter and invalidation.
AuthenticationFailedException 401 Authentication failed. Re-authenticate and retry. See error details for details.
UnauthorizedException 403 Authorization for requested method rejected. See error details for details.
Authentication required:
GET/{portfolioId}/reportStatus Authentication required
Get all valuation ids that have uploaded their report already.
Parameter Location Type Requirements Optional Default value Description
portfolioId URI-Path string
pattern: ^[a-zA-Z-_0-9]+$
minLength: 24
maxLength: 50
No The REDSetId of the portfolio as known by this service.
Response HTTP Type Description
Success 200 array Array of REDSetIds of valuations that have their report uploaded in this portfolio.
ModelNotFoundException 404 Instance of this model with provided ID could not be found.
MissingRequiredParameterException 400 The request is missing a required input parameter. See details for involved parameter.
InvalidParameterException 400 The request has an invalid argument. See details for involved parameter and invalidation.
AuthenticationFailedException 401 Authentication failed. Re-authenticate and retry. See error details for details.
UnauthorizedException 403 Authorization for requested method rejected. See error details for details.
Authentication required:
Authentication scheme:
Required flags:
POST/create Authentication required
Inform the taxapay system that the work of the valuation is starting now by creating a "bid" in the taxapay system.
Parameter Location Type Requirements Optional Default value Description
portfolio POST-body string
format: json
No JSON containing a porfolio, containing a party, valuations and a bid
Response HTTP Type Description
Success 200 bool Acknowledgement that its creation was successful.
BidLockException 200 You can place only one bid on a portfolio (with id, idREDSet), hence placing more bids is locked.
ExternalAssociativeEntryException 200 Validation after mapping to the format of Taxapay found an issue. See details on how to resolve this issue.
ExternalTaxapayException 200 Something went wrong using the Taxapay-API, read details for details.
MissingRequiredParameterException 400 The request is missing a required input parameter. See details for involved parameter.
InvalidParameterException 400 The request has an invalid argument. See details for involved parameter and invalidation.
AuthenticationFailedException 401 Authentication failed. Re-authenticate and retry. See error details for details.
UnauthorizedException 403 Authorization for requested method rejected. See error details for details.
Authentication required:
Authentication scheme:
Required flags:
POST/{portfolioId}/close Authentication required
Confirm to Taxapay that all reports for this portfolio have been sent, we close its bid, this is an essential step in getting paid.
Parameter Location Type Requirements Optional Default value Description
portfolioId URI-Path string
pattern: ^[a-zA-Z-_0-9]+$
minLength: 24
maxLength: 50
No The REDSetId of the portfolio as known by this service.
Response HTTP Type Description
Success 200 bool Acknowledgement that its creation was successful.
ExternalTaxapayException 200 Something went wrong using the Taxapay-API, read details for details.
ReportUploadException 200 The given SSBin-link is not usable, read details for details.
ModelNotFoundException 404 Instance of this model with provided ID could not be found.
MissingRequiredParameterException 400 The request is missing a required input parameter. See details for involved parameter.
InvalidParameterException 400 The request has an invalid argument. See details for involved parameter and invalidation.
AuthenticationFailedException 401 Authentication failed. Re-authenticate and retry. See error details for details.
UnauthorizedException 403 Authorization for requested method rejected. See error details for details.
Authentication required:
Authentication scheme:
Required flags:
POST/{valuationId}/sendReport Authentication required
Add report of a valuation of the Taxapay system, it will be added to its valuation-group in taxapay.
Parameter Location Type Requirements Optional Default value Description
valuationId URI-Path string
pattern: ^[a-zA-Z-_0-9]+$
minLength: 24
maxLength: 36
No The REDSetId of the valuation as known by this service.
reportLink POST-body string
pattern: ^https:\/\/[^\/\s]+\.ssbin\.[^\/\s]+\/[A-Za-z0-9-_.]+\/[^\/\s<>"'?]+$
No The link to the report that is meant to be sent to Taxapay.
Response HTTP Type Description
Success 200 bool Acknowledgement that its creation was successful.
ExternalTaxapayException 200 Something went wrong using the Taxapay-API, read details for details.
ReportUploadException 200 The given SSBin-link is not usable, read details for details.
ModelNotFoundException 404 Instance of this model with provided ID could not be found.
MissingRequiredParameterException 400 The request is missing a required input parameter. See details for involved parameter.
InvalidParameterException 400 The request has an invalid argument. See details for involved parameter and invalidation.
AuthenticationFailedException 401 Authentication failed. Re-authenticate and retry. See error details for details.
UnauthorizedException 403 Authorization for requested method rejected. See error details for details.
Authentication required:
Authentication scheme:
Required flags:
Authentication schemes (Click an authentication scheme to expand it)
Result wrappers (Click a result-wrapper to expand it)